3 Beauty Products With The Ethical Touch

“Meat is murder,” exclaims pop legend Morrissey at regular intervals. He’s said it so many times that most people tune out, as though his protestations were little more than white noise and bluster.
But does he have a point? Are we all compromising our ethics in the name of good food and affordable products?
In the world of cosmetics, it’s a question being asked time and again. Animal testing looms large over the beauty industry, along with other exploitative practices that most of us would rather not think about.
But we’ve found a few products that won’t leave you in an ethical tangle. Whether they’re from natural sources or simply try to treat their customers with respect, these companies will leave you feeling great – and all in a guilt-free way.
The right minerals
Head down the high street and you’ll see a sea of supposedly “miraculous” foundations. They’ll promise the world, but the best they can manage is dodgy skincare.
They’ll overload their products with unhealthy chemicals that are toxic to some skin types, bringing a ton of allergic reactions with them.
Most foundations are designed using old school formulas – and they’re as healthy for your pores as chip fat oil.
Mineral powder, however, provides a much lighter touch. Not only does it give you a less “caked on” look, but its natural ingredients are perfect for anyone with sensitive skin.
A Lush look
Lush have become the poster-company for ethical ways of creating soaps and beauty products. They proudly boast that they don’t test on animals, and try to pay their suppliers a fair amount.
Moreover, they actively campaign against the unethical business practices so prevalent in their industry.
Lush owner Mark Constantine, who won the Observer Ethical Business Award in 2014, has incorporated his company with various other ethical charities and campaigns, including human rights organisation Reprieve.
They even support multiple farming projects, putting their money back into the communities they use.
And their soaps aren’t half-bad either!
Bathe to beauty
Do you long to lie back in a bath and feel the lilt of the warm water rise around you? Well, one of the most ethical bubble bath mixtures on the market is Aura Cacia Organic Milk & Oat.
Rated 7.5 on the Good Guide to ethical products, this company has consistently proven its stature in terms of its environmental and social policies. So you can have a bath without worrying about the environment.
As the general public becomes increasingly aware of the environment, more companies are following in their wake with products that will appeal to this burgeoning demographic.
Found a few that we’ve not mentioned? Then let us know in the comments below!