Recycle your Phone into a Lifeline

Fonesforsafety does something very special with old mobile phones…it turns them into personal safety alarms for victims of domestic violence. In the process it not only supports individuals affected by domestic violence but it also encourages the public to realize the social benefits of recycling.

To date fonesforsafety has been able to recycle over 70,000 unwanted mobile phones, ensuring that resources that would otherwise have gone to waste (literally!) have been used to directly support victims of domestic violence. Phones that cannot be reused are recycled, generating income to support the scheme.

Since fonesforsafety was launched in 2003 the project has gone from strength to strength. fonesforsafety now has projects in Glasgow, Birmingham, Norwich, Bristol and London (Southwark and Hounslow). In 2008 the project is looking to expand throughout the UK and to all London boroughs, armed with a good practice guide that was produced with support from Comic Relief and The Home Office.

Project founder and director of CRISP Dr Richard Anderson is thrilled with fonesforsafety’s success: “The project works precisely because it combines environmental protection with social empowerment. We are very proud to provide this service to the community.”

From January 2008, fonesforsafety will be running a major campaign with The Body Shop, ensuring that freepost envelopes are available in stores across the
UK. In the meantime if you would like to donate your old mobile pop it in a jiffy bag and send it free of charge to:

Fonesforsafety @ CRISP

If you would like to host a collection bin for old phones in your office or business (delivered and collected free of charge) please contact fonesforsafety on 020 7740 6533.

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Recycling Listings