
Our vision for a one stop green shop, came about in early 2006 over drinks in a pub down the road which served delicious local food. I remarked that it was a shame that there wasn’t a directory which listed all the places that serve local food in town; little did I know of then of the path we’d travel in the next few months or seven to set up our very own ethical enterprise following that chance comment. From that simple remark made over a few drinks we have evolved into what is now GreenFinder.co.uk.

Our vision was of a site where people of all different shades of green (from light green folk with a passing interest in the environment to the dark greenies among you who are saving the world as we speak) could quickly and easily find that green gift for Mum’s birthday or look up the most environmentally friendly way to visit Scotland. We also wanted it to be a place where you could find out about recycling facilities in your area, which engineer to call out to fix that solar panel to your roof and somewhere you could learn about the different projects and people in your area who are working for a cleaner, greener planet. Our plan was to also pass on useful tips and advice and perhaps give you some food for thought with our surprising statistics and “did you knows?”

We didn’t realise when we first started on the project just how many other ‘Green’ sites out there purport to provide a similar service. Some are great, some not so, but none (we believe) offer the diversity of information we hope to provide you. We’re certainly not going to shout about being any better than the “competition,” if that term even exists in the Green marketplace, but we do believe we are unique and different in our approach. As well as the serious stuff we also try to keep a sense of humour here at GF towers so why not look in My Alter-Eco for an alternative perspective on “Green living”. You can also keep up to date with local events by signing up for our monthly newsletter.

Finally, we hope you enjoy the site and that it does exactly what it says on the tin. If not then please, please let us know. We know you read it everywhere else but we really DO value your comments, good or bad, and so don’t be afraid to drop us a line or two. Last, but not least, we are always looking for new customers (we’ve got bills to pay too), green tips to pass on and of course the quirky stuff to lighten up our lives (any green related amusing video clips are most welcome). We also welcome local items of interest, the everyday people trying to make a difference, new schemes and ventures and any bits and pieces you think may interest us all.
