Another One Bites the Dust: Learn Which House Plants Help Reduce Dust

House Plants offer several benefits, including improving air quality and generating fresh air.
Some plants are more effective at improving air quality than others. You need the right house
plants if you live in a particularly dusty region. Here are some of the best houseplants to help
reduce dust and increase the quality of your home:
Pygmy Date Palm
Pygmy Date Palm is mostly known as a plant that helps to promote healthy living, making it
the perfect addition to your home. It is perfect for removing dust particles in the air and
improving air quality. It is also effective at filtering toxins and certain elements like
formaldehyde which may be harmful. Pygmy Date Palm is particularly effective in humid
Not to be confused with its neighbour Poison Ivy, the Ivy is a great addition to any home,
especially when the dust is a problem. There are different varieties of Ivy, all of which are
known to purify air effectively. Ivy can also filter out Volatile organic compounds in the air,
improving the overall air quality. You can improve the effectiveness of the ivy by planting it
in suspended pots.
Rubber plant
Rubber is another plant that is highly effective at absorbing dust particles. Rubber plants use
their broad leaves to trap the particles, and the large surface area means there is room for a lot
of dust. Some people believe that the rubber plant is the most effective at removing dust
particles and purifying the air. It also helps to moisten the rubber plant leaves, improving its
impressive dust trapping capabilities.
Spider Plants
Spider plants have one of the highest particle removal rates of all air purifying plants. Thanks
to their success, experts tend to recommend spider plants above others. With a capacity to
remove more than 95% of particulate matter from the air, it is one of the best house plants for
removing dust. It can also remove toxins and harmful compounds like carbon monoxide and
nitrogen dioxide.
Peace Lily
The peace lily is mostly associated with removing VOCs from the air and improving air
quality. One impressive thing about peace lily is that it is also capable of absorbing mould
particles from the air as well. Peace lilies make an excellent addition to any home, not just for
their air purifying abilities but their aesthetic value. Displaying Peace Lilies in large pots
create an amazing visual effect.
ZZ Plant
The ZZ plant is a perfect addition not just for its air purifying ability but is low maintenance.
The ZZ plants can absorb a wide range of toxins from the air, making them a very effective
air pollutant. It may be small, but thanks to its low maintenance, you can have multiple
arranged items to improve aesthetic value. To get the best output from the ZZ plant, mist it
Bamboo and Areca Palm
Unlike the other plants on this list, Bamboo and Areca palm are outdoor plants that help trap
dust. You don't need more than two plants in a 50 square foot area to achieve amazing results.
Their effect will be felt throughout the house, and you won't have to worry about dead leaves
indoors. When planting Bamboo and Areca palm outdoors, you will need a grow tent. Grow
tents effectively keep out pests, allowing your plants to grow without interruption. You can
also apply the same technique to other plants on the list, even indoors.
Dumb Cane
Dumb cane is mostly used as an indoor plant for its aesthetic value but it is also a great option
for traping dust. Dumb canes are small enough to be grown in mugs and you can have several
in your home. Their dust trapping capabilities are remarkable especially considering their
size. Dust canes are also known to trap VOCs effectively making them more impressive. You
can arrange many dust canes in your home to improve the aesthetic value and air quality
Dust particles are usually present in the air especially in temperate regions. The more
particles in the air, the harder it is to breathe. House plants are a great way to trap dust and
other particles thus improving air quality. Planting multiple of the listed plants is sure to
improve the air quality significantly, no matter the dust levels.