Are We Making Progress With Climate Change?

Climate change poses significant challenges to the world today and beyond. Despite the critical nature of the problem of climate change, humans are making incredible strides in technology, policy, and social awareness to combat this global threat.
This blog delves into whether humanity, as a collective, is making progress and how such present efforts help mitigate the dangers of climate change. Read on.

Education And Public Awareness

Education and public awareness play critical roles in humanity’s progress in fighting climate change. It’s said that more people than ever now understand the reality of climate change and are seeking to reduce their carbon footprints.
Schools are teaching students about sustainability, and companies are increasingly producing environmentally friendly products.
On the other hand, learn more here about different updates on how the world is moving forward with its handling of climate change.

House with solar panels on the roof. Sustainable and clean energy at home. Generative AI

Renewable Energy

It’s no secret that fossil fuels have significantly contributed to global warming, but renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power, are becoming increasingly popular and mainstream.
In fact, an International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) report states that renewable power capacity has substantially risen in recent years and contributed 80% of added energy capacity in 2022.
Further, more and more countries are investing in renewable energy, replacing old coal power plants with wind farms and solar panels. Advancements in energy storage technologies, like more efficient and longer-lasting batteries, allow people to harness these renewable sources more effectively than ever.
That said, existing fossil fuel plants still need to be phased out more rapidly and fossil energy subsidies eliminated to further help the world adapt to green energy solutions.

Carbon Capture And Storage

The scientific community is seeing exciting developments in carbon capture and storage (CCS). This technology involves capturing carbon dioxide emissions at their source, like power plants and factories, and storing them underground so they can’t contribute to worsening the effects of global warming.
While it’s not a silver bullet, CCS is an important tool in a multifaceted fight against climate change. It’s said that a number of major projects worldwide are demonstrating this technology’s feasibility and effectiveness.

Policy Changes

Policy changes are another area where the global community is making progress in fighting climate change.
Today, governments worldwide are recognizing the urgency of climate change and are taking action. The Paris Agreement, concurred by 200 countries, is a significant step forward. This international legal pact limits global warming to below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, showing a global commitment to addressing climate change.

The Glasgow Climate Pact, the new agreement that builds upon the aforementioned agreement, recognizes the necessity to cap global warming at 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. According to experts at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the 0.5 °C difference in goals from 2.0 to 1.5 °C means that 420 million less of the earth’s population will experience extreme heatwaves and 65 million less will suffer exceptional heatwaves.

Meanwhile, initiatives led by local leaders, like cities committing to net-zero emissions targets and implementing community action plans, are growing in numbers too.


Innovation in transportation is another area where the world is seeing significant advancements. Electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly becoming mainstream, and improvements in battery technology are making them more accessible. And public transportation is getting greener, with cities investing in electric buses and trains. Even players in the aviation industry, a significant contributor to carbon emissions, are exploring more fuel-efficient planes and alternative fuels.

Home-based Efforts Towards Mitigating Climate Change

While international agreements and national policies play a significant role in mitigating climate change, individual actions at home, like the following, can make a substantial impact as well:

Energy Efficiency: Using smart thermostats, insulating the home to reduce heating and cooling costs, using energy efficient and energy-saving appliances and light bulbs, and switching to solar-powered devices to optimize energy use are just some ways your household can help in mitigating climate change.

Water Conservation: Water-saving devices like low-flow showerheads and dual-flush toilets, fixing leaks promptly, and harvesting rainwater for watering plants save precious water.

Waste Reduction: Practice the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. In addition, composting organic waste can significantly reduce the amount of waste in landfills.

Plant Trees: Planting trees in your yard helps absorb CO2, provide shade (which can help reduce energy use for cooling), and improve the local air quality in your immediate surroundings.


Dealing with climate change and its ill effects on the world requires a multifaceted approach. Tackling it head-on isn’t just about improving climate change-busting technology; it involves changing attitudes, behaviours, and systems as well to make sure that individuals and bigger players work hand-in-hand as well.

While the task ahead is gargantuan, humanity has witnessed significant progress with climate change on multiple fronts. From greater adaption of renewable energy sources to greater public awareness and action against global warming, the whole world is taking steps in the right direction in fighting climate change. Although the road ahead is very challenging, it’s comforting to know that everyone is doing their part in saving the planet.