Make Hay Web Design & Green Hosting

Here at Make Hay we work with charities and social businesses, helping them to make a difference online. We build responsive websites and applications for the modern web, run our own 100% wind powered website hosting and have worked responsibly with an ethical policy for over 10 years. We offer a range of services to fulfill the needs of whole web projects, including design, development, hosting, SEO, training and support.
Green Policies
Both co-founders of Make Hay are committed to living and working in ways which are kind to the environment and inevitably working from home one impacts on the other. Due to our line of work both purchase of materials and production of waste are minimal.
We employ green/resource efficient working practices on a daily basis but we are always looking at ways to improve what we’re already doing. Therefore we are developing a plan to outline current practices, how we can become more efficient with these and any relevant, new practices we can implement.
It is our Policy to:
Comply with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and requirements.
Continue to use a renewable energy provider for our electricity, and aim to reduce our gas heating usage where possible.
Continue to host our websites on wind powered website hosting ( and promote this to clients and potential clients.
Keep energy use low by continuing to turn off equipment / lights (low energy light bulbs) which are not being used.
Continue to keep our water usage to a minimum, which is currently used only for regular office activity (drinks & bathroom). However, we plan to reduce the amount of water used after investigating the option of a water meter being installed and therefore monitoring our usage.
Reuse resources whenever possible rather than dispose of them. Non-confidential paperwork is either used to make notepads or recycled.
Confidential paperwork is shredded and composted – as is biodegradable food waste from staff.
Old electronic components for computers are wherever possible used to build computers for friends/family members.
We have joined Nottingham Realcycle which will be another way to recycle electronic and office waste as is donating to charities wherever possible.
To view our complete environmental and ethical policy please see our website