My Green Directory
My Green Directory is a green business directory listing 1000’s of ethical companies with eco goods and services from alternative energy, eco building materials and fair-trade fashion to organic food, sustainable travel and toxic-free beauty products.
The a-z of green lifestyle choices.
There are three types of listings available: Basic – the free, no frills listing, and Premium or Showcase each giving different levels of marketing.
Green Policies
My Green Directory started life as in 2006 as an eco directory supporting and promoting businesses with ethics. Listings of companies that sourced their products sustainably were difficult to find at that time and we wanted to provide readers with the chance to find businesses that genuinely followed an environmentally friendly ethos and provided ethical, fair-trade, organic, natural, sustainable and socially responsible products and services all in one place.
As a service provider the sole purpose of the site has always been to help inspire the environmentally conscious by keeping eco / ethical companies, and sustainability, in the spotlight.
All listings are manually authorised – an automatic registration is not available as we check registering companies to make sure they align with our values.
Our office runs on Good Energy, we support responsible, fair and sustainable business trading practices and have active care for the environment.
Greenfinder and My Green Directory can offer you a joint rate pack to have premium coverage in both directories. Just email for details.