Dawn's Leftover Bread Pud!

Did you know that each day in the UK 7 million slices of bread are wasted!? Here’s a nice simple recipe to use up some of that leftover bread

Beat 2 eggs into a bowl

Add 1/2 cup of sugar to the bowl

Add 1/4 cup of raisins

Add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence + 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and 1 banana cut into slices and mix well!

Then get 3 – 4 slices of bread (with the crusts!) and tear them into chunks. Put them into the bowl with the mixture and make sure the pieces are well covered

Let them soak for 10 minutes

Meanwhile heat the oven to 180 degrees. Place all ingredients into an ovenproof dish then cook for approx 40 minutes

Serve with yoghurt or ice cream

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