Deepdale Shortlisted For Sustainable Tourism Award
Sustainable tourism is an industry committed to making a low impact on the environment and local culture, while helping to generate income and employment for local people. The aim of sustainable tourism is to ensure that development is a positive experience for local people; tourism companies; and tourists themselves.
Deepdale Backpackers and Camping has strived to fully encapsulate this ethos into its development from the very beginning. Starting as a single camping paddock back in 1979 used only through July and August, a summer project has grown into a worthy representative of sustainable tourism.
Deeepdale has in place many environmentally friendly schemes to aid in waste reduction, recycling, use of renewable energies, and water consumption reduction. Solar heating systems reduce the use of fossil fuels on a site that runs year round. Waterless urinals, and low flow taps and showers reduce the precious resource that we take for granted, and integrating local suppliers into the business where ever possible reduces fuel consumption and costs for delivery or collection whilst also increasing the business generated in the surrounding area. The development of several permissive footpaths around the local farm land has improved access for residents and tourists, as well as improve safety statistics on the local roads for walkers and cyclists.
Deepdale also runs environmental events such as conservation weekend, and Earthday. Both are annual events which attract a lot of interest from all over the country and help to raise awareness and levels of education about global warming, the impact of fossil fuel burning, and ways that we can all help to reduce our impact on the world we live in.
“We take our responsibilities seriously here at Deepdale and know that we are an integral part of the local community and the global community. Without the support of the residents the development of Deepdale would have been much more difficult and without Deepdale, the local community would not have the same access to facilities that they do now. Globally the use of non-sustainable fuels and the use of non-recycled, imported goods is something we try very, very hard to avoid.” Said Louise Smith, the managing director. “We have been very lucky in the support we have received and we are very grateful for it.”
The awards ceremony is on the 29th of October 2009 in Ickworth. Hopefully Deepdale will receive the coveted award for their efforts.
Previous winners of this prestigious award for sustainable tourism are; in 2007 Strattons Hotel and Restaurant and in 2008 Old MacDonald’s Farm, Brentwood (Essex)
For more information about Deepdale Backpackers and Camping please visit us online

Deepdale Yurt
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