Dry Your Clothes The Eco Way

How often have you come home from work, shopping or just been indoors, to find that the washing you had lovingly hung on the washing line was wetter than before you left it?

Everyone must have experienced it at least once if they take the wise view and hang their washing outside if possible. Now,because of the invention of the Rotaire Dryline this is a thing of the past. The Dryline allows you to dry your washing on a rotary airer come rain or shine.

This cleverly designed rain cover attaches to your airer to form an umbrella and has side skirts to prevent wind driven rain affecting your laundry. It folds up and down with your airer and even has a special storage cover supplied free. It is made of durable woven Polyethylene and has a 12 month guarantee. Once fitted you can forget all about the washing while enjoying the positive benefits of energy-free drying, the fresh quality of air dried clothes, saving work, being Green and saving money (it will pay for itself in 6 months against a tumble drier).

Everyone knows that the best way of drying laundry is outside, but our weather means your airer is only usable 20% of the time. Why not make it almost 100% by visiting the Rotaire website.

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