Eco Tips For Your World Cup Celebrations
It may not be the most sustainable event in the world, but you can still add a green tint to your World Cup celebrations this June.
Eco Barbecue It
Have a veggie barbecue – enjoy veggie burgers and bangers and try grilling vegetables on skewers. Use locally produced charcoal made from traditional methods and avoid disposable barbecues and throw away plastic cutlery. Both Ecosac and Comp-bio supply biodegradable tableware.
Green Flags
For the celebrations, make your own flags and bunting from left over fabrics or scraps. If you haven’t got time to make your own visit ‘Eco Bunting’ who make bunting from recycled material.
TV Share
Get together with a group of friends to watch the game on TV, just don’t drive there!
Finally, several charities have launched special World cup virtual gifts and appeals. Greenpeace Africa are providing a solar viewing area in the village of Jericho in the North West of South Africa for villagers who may not otherwise be able to watch the World Cup. When the tournament is over, the panels will be used to power a local school. You can also sponsor a South African child with Action Aid.
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