Environmentally Friendly Party Bags
Here’s a novel idea that will make a big impression at children’s parties – but not on the planet. Earth Mother Party Bags is a company run by a mum who wants to make a difference and which specialises in party and gift bags made entirely from eco-friendly products. Not only are the bags themselves made from recycled paper, but can be filled with a choice of contents which are all either fair trade, recycled, biodegradable, organic or otherwise eco-friendly. Products include wooden toys and puzzles (from sustainable sources), flower and herb seed sticks; fair trade felt key rings, hair grips and hair bands, plus fair trade lunch and hand bags.
New products for 2008 are being added to the site, which include organic cotton t-shirt painting kits, beautiful fair trade sequined birthday gifts and eco bunting. Recycled stationary, birthday cards, confectionery and tableware are also available. Filled party bags are priced from £2.50 each (to include a fair trade Divine Dubble chocolate bar; recycled A7 notepad; recycled pencil and a thank you note printed on elephant poo paper detailing how unique the party bag is).
Ellie Howes who founded the Bournemouth-based company said: “I am keen to do my bit for the environment; I believe if everybody can do a little it will amount up to a lot in the long run. I am a keen recycler and I am appalled by the waste left over from children’s parties, from the presents and the party bags. My aim is to reduce this as much as possible, whilst making it as effortless as possible for the mum’s, dads and guardians to help save our planet.
For more info visit Earth Mother Party Bags
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