Gorilla Grow Tents – Are They Worth The Money?

hydroponic tent

If you are interested in hydroponics (the art of growing plants without soil) one of the leading producers of hydroponic tents is Gorilla.

If you are looking for a grow tent, making a decision on the right type can be confusing for many indoor growers. With an abundance of manufacturers, features, and sizes, trying to decide on the ideal grow tent to match up to your needs can prove to be a challenge. In this post, we will give you information on the Gorilla Grow Tents, which is currently among the most popular of the grow tents on the market.

Before we tell you more about the features and whether the Gorilla Grow Tents are worth spending extra money on, it is important to know that this manufacturer makes three different grow tents. These include the following:

– The GGT Line – This is a standard Gorilla Grow Tent that comes with a host of different features.

– The Lite Line – These range of tents are lightweight and more affordable that sacrifices on some of the fabric density for weight and cost.

– The Shorty Line – This tent is similar to the GGT line, but they begin at 2 inches shorter. Even though there are a few differences, these tents are virtually the same when it comes to overall quality and the features.

Gorilla Grow Tent – Features

Overall, the range of Gorilla Grow Tents is taller when compared to many other brands, except for the Shorty Line. The Gorilla tents are over 6ft tall. Yet one of the unique features about these tents is the height-extension kits. They have both 1′ and 2′ inch height-extension kits, which means the tallest tent reaches up to 8’11 tall.

Fabric Thickness

The Shorty Line and the Standard Line feature 1680D fabric that is highly reflective and threaded. D, which stands for denier is an industry-standard unit used for measurement of the densities of fabrics. Gorilla advertises that their 1680D Grown Tent fabrics are 3 to 9 times denser when compared to other brands of grow tents.

Here are some of the benefits linked to this fabric:

– Improved durability

– Less noise pollution

– Less light penetration


When you grow hydroponically with an indoor-garden, there will always be a few safety concerns. For many growers, the primary concerns are associated with spills that lead to a mess, stains, or even equipment failure. The range of Gorilla Grow Tents features flood pools that are installed on the bottom part of these tents using Velcro strips, which are designed to wrap around each pole. These pools rise around 4′ which means that even large spills will usually remain contained inside the pool.

Some of the other noteworthy safety features of these tents include the roof section that is designed to block infrared and helps to keep the top of the tent cooler, which means fewer fluctuations in temperature from the outside. The rock-solid frame comes with interlocking poles, which means you wont have to worry about the light collapsing and ruining your grow.


This is not a major problem for the majority of the grow tents, yet it is an attractive feature that Gorilla provides. Every tent that they produce is resistant to diseases and most bugs. They come with micro-mesh pre-filters along with double-lined ducting, that help to stop pests from gaining access or allowing mold to destroy what you are growing.

Temperature Control

The overall height range of the standard Gorilla Tents is not just about providing more space for your plants to grow. In fact, the additional height will usually reduce the air temperature inside the tent by as much as 10°F. In addition, if you live in a region where the temperature fluctuates, the 1680D fabric thickness helps to insulate your tent against such fluctuations, maintaining a constant and reliable indoor temperature.

The Quality Of The Build

The build quality overall when it comes to the range of Gorilla Grow Tents is not easy to match. Let’s start with their frames. Each of these tents comes with durable metal poles that are designed to interlock with one another, which ensures that the whole structure is very stable. Each corner joint interlocks at every point, which makes these tents super-solid when referring to stability.

Gorilla Grow Tents come with double-stitched sections where the tent receives the most wear-and-tear. The electrical ports and ducting have been designed in such a way that it really shows that this brand was created by professional indoor gardeners rather than a cheap knockoff.

Ease Of Use And Assembly

Perhaps the most frustrating part when it comes to working with grow tents would have to be the initial set-up or assembly. Gorilla is a manufacturer that has built its products around ease of use and assembly. Here are some of the benefits and features:

– The Velcro door strips mean that you are able to set-up the doors without needing someone else to help you.

– The roof-section fits easily onto the frame.

– The large zippers are easy to use, thread, and wind around each corner of your tent.

– In addition to these attractive features, each of the Gorilla Grow Tents are very simple to use.

Where To buy

Gorilla grow tents are a well-known brand, and you can purchase them directly from the manufacturer site located here. This is great if you live in the USA, but for some living in other country’s that want to purchase a tent from them, it may become a problem. We have found a few excellent sources for people living out of the USA and have listed them below.

Gorilla Grow Tent In Canada

Gorilla Grow Tent In the UK

The Overall Design

Overall, Gorilla Grow Tents are currently rated among the very best. Of course, you will pay for all these features, and these tents are not cheap. Yet for those that are interested in making an investment in one of these tents, this is the best choice when it comes to grow tents.