Green Alternatives To Poison For Pest Control

humane pest control

No one wants to find a rodent living in their basement or in their attic, but unfortunately, this is a fairly common occurrence in the lives of most U.K and U.S. homeowners. And as soon as you become aware of the unwanted rodent, you either reach for the snap trap or the good old box of poison. But is that really the best or most eco friendly option?

Poisoning unwanted wildlife is first and foremost a highly inhumane and cruel option since it can often take hours and even days in agony for the rodent to die. Secondly, it is inefficient, since the rodent is likely to hide somewhere within (or under) your home as it’s dying, to protect itself from predators and cause more problems in the long run.

So what are some humane and green alternatives to rodent poison?

1. Humane Rat Traps

Also known as live trapping, humane rat traps involve purchasing a special cage (or devising it yourself!), which will hold a bit of bait for the rat, like a bit of meat. When the rat goes for the bait, it will step on a pressure plate, but rather than causing a spring to snap down on the rat’s neck, the plate will cause the door to the cage to fall shut, thus efficiently trapping the rat without harming it. From there on, you can relocate the rat where it won’t bother you, unhurt.

Tip: Live trapping also works wonderfully for bats.

2. Natural Rat Repellents

Another really common and green option that many homeowners resort to is planting rat repellents inside their garden. Rats are said to dislike the scent of peppermint, so a peppermint plant may do wonders in keeping rats away from your property. Likewise, castor oil and citronella are also said to be quite efficient in this task.

And if planting isn’t possible, there are other types of repellents you might use, such as getting a pet. Dogs are good, but cats are a bit better, as their sense of a hunt is usually heightened and it will be the rat’s worst nightmare as the natural order is restored.

3. Bats
Okay, so maybe we’ve seen what works on rats and mice, but what about bats? These winged creatures are often found flying about inside your attic, particularly during the night time, and can cause quite a bit of damage.

What you need to remember about bats is that they aren’t likely to have a good food and water source in your home, so they’ll be forced to regularly leave it. Furthermore, some species, like bats, are illegal to poison as they are a protected species. Experts recommend installing a special, one-way wire mesh on their entry points, that will allow the bat to leave safely but prohibit it from re-entering.

4. Humane Removal Professionals

If the task seems rather daunting, look for a professional wildlife removal company in your area that specializes in humane removal, such as live trapping. The main advantage of using professionals is that once the treatment has been made, afterwards they can advise you on how to prevent future infestations.