Inspiring Trust

It’s ALL in the name – Giving Time and Solutions Ltd is a small independent business based in Coventry, West Midlands, offering diverse services to help you boost your environmental credentials, achieve a work-life balance and improve your wellbeing.
Values-driven, and working in an impartial and ethical manner, solutions are offered via:
Green IT management consultancy
Interactive facilitated training workshops
One-to-One mentoring
Giving Time and Solutions Ltd has a strong focus on trust, time and lifestyle and believes that you should value your time and health – every second matters, every second counts – prioritise who, where and what you give your time to.
With over 20 years’ experience, via all the services her company offers, business owner Tripta encourages people to live a natural and healthy lifestyle, making them happier and healthier. Tripta is passionate about making a positive difference and is inspired and influenced by real people.
Green IT
Giving Time and Solutions Ltd is the winner of Corporate Vision – The Technology Innovator Awards ‘2016 Sustained Excellence in Green IT Management & Recognised Leader in Green IT Research’ and ‘2015 UK Best Green IT Management Consultancy’,
“On a global level IT is responsible for 2% of emission of greenhouse gases. However, the remaining 98% is seen as an opportunity for IT to help solve the problem” – Irene Sobotta, Greening IT.
Giving Time and Solutions Ltd facilitates interactive, jargon-free training workshops that explore the potential of Green IT and help identify ways to save costs and make a positive impact on health and the environment. There are a series of training workshops on management strategy, best practices, purchasing and lifecycle overview, plus much more. Giving Time and Solutions Ltd provides impartial independent advice to chief executives, senior managers and business owners, helping them to identify changes and recommend solutions for both short- and long-term strategic initiatives to improve efficiency, simplify processes, save costs, save time and reduce the carbon emissions footprint
Tripta is the first woman in the world to have achieved the Foundation Professional Certificate in Green IT. Tripta’s contribution to Green IT is acknowledged in a book written by world renowned experts – ‘Greening IT – How Greener IT Can Form a Solid Foundation for a Low-Carbon Society’ – and she also featured in articles in the national British newspaper Daily Telegraph and PMI global magazine.
“Educating people on the whole lifecycle of Green IT and how it can deliver social, economic and environmental benefits. Very successful in reaching a wide range of participants from all backgrounds and cultures from students, IT practitioners and others with little direct Green IT knowledge”
Interactive facilitated training workshops
These workshops help you achieve your personal and/or professional goals – whether that’s health, career or business – and give you top tips on how to accomplish a work-life balance, how to stay motivated and be forward-looking … never look back!
“I found the workshop to be just the right balance of theory and practical exercises and I came away from it with a clear plan of which goals to focus on and the next steps (and precise deadlines!) for achieving them. I would recommend this workshop for anyone looking for tips on ways to manage their time more effectively or clarity around achieving their goals”
One-to-One mentoring
If you feel that you could benefit from more personal guidance, the one-to-one mentoring sessions will motivate and direct you to achieve your personal and professional goals by using or improving your skills, knowledge and expertise.
“Tripta is extremely trustworthy. Her expertise is applicable to all industries”
The ever-versatile Tripta is passionate about health, nutrition, fitness, wellbeing and giving back, and in her personal time participates in outdoor running, yoga and pilates. She is also organiser of Coventry Green Drinks, which is an informal face-to-face networking event which brings people who work in the green sector together, along with those who have an interest in sustainability and/or want to live a more natural healthy lifestyle. Green Drinks is active in over 500 cities worldwide.
You can read articles and blogs at Green IT and find out about Tripta’s Positive Passions. You can also subscribe to the company e-newsletter which is sent in June and December and includes latest news and top tips.
To find out more about how Giving Time and Solutions Ltd can help you, and to see additional testimonials, please visit the website at