Household Reuse Eco Tips

Continuing our theme of reuse from last month we have ideas for 5 more household items. Some of them are easy peasy whilst others require a bit more effort.

1. Cereal Packets

The inner packaging found in most cereal packets can be washed and reused for storing food in or packing sandwiches. Even better it can be used at supermarkets for loose fruit or veg instead of using the plastic bags they provide.

2. Fruit and Veg Crates

For those of you who get your veg box delivered in a crate there are a number of uses you may like to consider. Firstly they can be used to grow flowers or vegetables in or they can painted or varnished and made into stackable shoe racks

3. Corks

cork notice board

The idea for a notice board made from corks comes courtesy of which is a fascinating resource for more reuse ideas.

4. Stamps

Used stamps can be sent to various charities . The Royal National Institute of the Blind are one example and can be sent to RNIB Recycling, PO Box 185, Benfleet, Essex, SS7 9BH or visit for more details

5. Plastic bags

Did you know that you can crochet with carrier bags? This eco tip comes from the crafty crafty blog and is for those of you who like a challenge, have plenty of time on their hands to be creative and can read knitting patterns.

knitted bag