How to Be More Sustainable

Sustainability is a big issue, with governments and organisations across the globe
prioritising it and implementing sustainable goals and policies in an attempt to limit
the devastating effects of climate change. However, it can be difficult as an individual
to know how to make a difference. Fortunately, there are many things you can do on
a day-to-day level to help you lead a more environmentally friendly life.
Cut Down on Shopping
One way you can significantly reduce your impact on the environment is to simply
buy less. Cutting down on shopping helps to preserve natural resources, such as
water and means less energy being used to produce goods. It also reduces waste
that often ends up in landfill, contributing to greenhouse gases.
You should also think carefully about the purchases you do make, considering how
much you’ll use them and whether or not it’s a sustainably-made product from an
ethical company that takes their responsibility to sustainability seriously.
Remember that cheaper isn’t always better – you may end up needing to repair or
replace it sooner rather than later, which will impact the planet as well as your
wallet. It’s far better to buy a high-quality product that will last, such as
redlingerie from a sustainably minded company than a throwaway alternative.
Swap Energy Sources
The energy we use in our homes and the fuel we use in our cars contributes
massively to our personal carbon footprint. If possible, you could consider swapping
to a renewable energy source such as having solar panels installed to power your
home or upgrading your heating system to a ground source heat pump, for example.
You might also want to think about choosing an electric car or hybrid model rather
than a fossil fuel one and swapping to LED lightbulbs in your home, which also last
longer and are cheaper to run.
Get Recycling
Fortunately, recycling is already a common habit in many UK households with
most local councils providing recycling facilities or in some cases separate
bins, bags and boxes for different recyclables that are typically collected on a
fortnightly or monthly basis. Increasing the amount you recycle can help you lower
the amount of waste your produce along. with helping reduce the number of raw
materials needed for new products to be made.
Take care to read your local recycling guides so you know exactly what can and can’t
be recycled and how best to throw it away, for example, squashing plastic bottles down
and replacing the lid.
Examine Products Closely
Finally, one way to live in a more eco-friendly way is to take a closer look at the
ingredients that go into your household items like cleaning products and toiletries as
well as how they’re packaged.
Switching plastic bottles for glass or to solid bars of soap or shampoo reduces plastic
waste and using natural cleaning products prevents harmful chemicals being washed
away and entering rivers and seas, where they cause pollution that can negatively
affect wildlife.