Natural, Handmade Toiletries from Elixirs Of Life
Elixirs of Life was founded by Gill Wade after creating just a few pots of natural cream in her kitchen, for personal use on sensitive skin. Family and friends commented on how Gill’s skin was becoming radiant and healthy, which lead to pots and bottles being distributed for all to enjoy.
The “Joints II” cream was tested by Gill’s mother who was suffering from a frozen shoulder, Devils Claw (well known for it’s anti-inflammatory properties), was added to the recipe and worked wonders, this is now a ‘best seller’ the testimonials on this product have been phenomenal for ailments such as Arthritis, Rheumatism, knee pain, tennis elbow even growing pains.
It seemed unfair to keep all these goodies to herself, so Gill was inspired to create an eco-friendly, chemical free range for men, women, children & babies, after 18 months of product development, “Elixirs of Life” was born.
Based in Essex, Gill and partner David, travel around the County to sell the products at Local Farmers Markets, which are very successful and great fun. As interest has grown in Elixirs of Life products, so has the demand, creating a successful small business.
We source only fresh, natural high quality ingredients, environmentally friendly and as natural as possible, considering nature and people alike. We continuously opt for recycled materials including papers, bottles, jars, refillable containers, and all products have minimal external packaging.
“We believe everyone has a fundamental right to know exactly what they are putting on their skin. If we care about what we eat, shouldn’t we also care about what is put onto our skin?” Gill and her partner Dave pride themselves on creating a ‘greener’ healthier lifestyle and believes that if you care about food miles you should also care about moisuriser miles. The Elixirs of Life range is all handmade in the U.K so therefore relatively low on moisuriser miles.
To view the range visit the Elixirs of Life website
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