Plastic Free July

plastic free 2019

Did you know scientists estimate that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans? About half of all plastic produced is for single-use or disposable items such as packaging.  Choose to refuse single-use plastic this July by signing up for the Plastic Free July challenge at

By bringing your own reusable shopping bags, remembering reusable coffee cups and water bottles, and avoiding pre-packaged fruit and vegetables you can help make a difference. Sign-up to  receive support during the month and you won’t be alone. You’ll be joining over 2 million people from 150 countries in making a difference. Avoid landfill, reduce your eco-footprint and protect the ocean from plastic pollution.

To find out more about the campaign  and to register please visit the Plastic Free July website here

Related Links

Zero Waste Shops & Suppliers

Wildlife Charities & Environmental Groups

ocean wildlife & plastics