Quirky and Beautiful ‘Back To Nature’ Breaks, With A Dash Of Eco Panache.

No one else is quite like Canopy & Stars, or so we hope. We treasure beautiful places to stay, including, but by no means limited to, treehouses, Gypsy wagons, yurts – even an Iron Age roundhouse! Some call it glamping, or luxury camping, but for us it’s just about special places that give you a chance to do something unusual and wonderful. We want to encourage people to get outdoors and breathe freely, but offer them the chance to do so with a few little touches that make the places on our website special. We spend our time seeking out and bringing to you our selection of glamping places, each with their own character and charm.

The sort of places we deal with are most often built according to traditional methods and with local materials and many are off-grid. They are also generally not permanent, which means that as well as not having an immediate impact in terms of energy consumption, they also have no long term impact on their surroundings.

As well as the obvious ecological advantage of this kind of holiday, we, as a company do our best to minimise our impact on the environment. Here are some of the things we do at the moment, but we are always open to suggestions:

1.Guests are encouraged to travel greenly (we partner with Sustrans) and most of our places are in the UK, with a few hand-selected in France.

2.We help creative people with grand ideas to set up luxury camping sites, and on the way lead them to ethical suppliers, craftspeople, and our banking and insurance partners Triodos & NatureSave – from open field to finished canopied space.

3.Operating online reduces our paper use to zero

4.Parent company Alastair Sawday’s is a respected green pioneer in the travel guide publishing world and Canopy & Stars share their day-to-day values and commitment to sustainability. Our office was refitted to incorporate the most efficient energy saving techniques and minimize its power usage. Outside are chickens, pigs (that will go to a local restaurant soon) and an allotment, run as a community initiative with local growers.

We love what we do and the places we discover and we hope you will too. Get in touch if you want to know more about what we do, or how you can get out glamping, or if you’ve got your own special place to stay.

Related Links

Eco Friendly Holidays

What is Glamping?