So What is Sustainable Medicine?
This question will be posed at Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in June where a course will be held for anyone interested in reducing their reliance on medicines from large pharmaceutical companies.
As the planet faces great environmental and economic challenges, the course looks at sustainable, alternative sources of medication. Cultivated and wild plants can provide some safe and effective remedies for common illnesses. Using Woodbrooke’s herb garden and woodland, the course will cover the identification, cultivation, appropriate harvesting, preparation and actions of a range of plants that can give an equivalent benefit to many over-the-counter treatments from pharmacies. This course will be led by Nicola Peterson (MNiMH), who has many years experience as a medical herbalist, running her own practice and teaching students.
Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre is set in Birmingham’s largest organically managed gardens. Woodbrooke runs a year round programme of short courses on personal spiritual growth, theology and creative arts. Visitors also come for personal retreats, bed and breakfast and conferencing. Full details are on
To book, (£189 ensuite, £179 standard) please call 0121 472 5171 or visit
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