Suggestions for Picking the Perfect Baby Shower Location

A baby shower is a special day for the mum-to-be, full of gifts and sharing the love of the new arrival. Planning a baby shower doesn’t have to be this big undertaking, not so long as you know how to go about it.
The most important part is finding the right fit when looking through baby shower venues.
Choosing a venue can be a little overwhelming unless you have a few helpful suggestions to aid you throughout the selection process.
Location is Critical
Everyone, or just about everyone, is bringing something to the shower. Whether the mum-to-be
is planning or just showing up, they shouldn’t have to travel more than 30 minutes to attend their
own event. That makes location super important, maybe the most important consideration to
Picking something way out of the way is inconvenient, especially with guests bringing toys,
supplies, clothes, and more. While you might not be able to accommodate everyone, try to keep
it within convenient distance of the majority of the shower attendees. The mum-to-be will be
especially grateful to not have to travel far when the shower comes to an end, and they have to
haul everything home.
Venue Amenities
Right up there with location, available amenities are in the discussion for the “most important
feature” of a baby shower venue. For some, the venue is just a space to host the event. But
don’t overlook the featured amenities because it can make the event a lot better.
There are some common amenities and some more niche things. The more common amenities
include things like tables, chairs, bathrooms, parking, and even signage. While those might not
seem all that important on their own, you will realize quickly that not having to add another layer
to the planning is definitely worthwhile.
Aim for Non-Peak Times
It’s pretty safe to say that every baby shower has a budget attached. While everyone would love
to go above and beyond on food, decorations, etc., that’s not the reality. You might not
necessarily have to go with the cheapest option available but picking something that fits your
price is definitely optimal.
One tip for getting the venue at a slightly lower cost is to look for non-peak times. If you can find
a time that works that isn’t near lunch or dinner – or on a weekend – you can save on fees.
Even better, you don’t have to provide full meals and snacks will not only suffice but be a lot
cheaper as well. It’s the little things that will help you keep costs under wraps and ensure that it
doesn’t become a burden.
Seating Options
The available seating will probably come down to what kind of amenities the venue has. If you
go with a cheaper, more basic location, then folding chairs and tables are probably going to be
the best you can do. Talk to the venue team and see what options they have; some have an
available inventory of different chairs and tables so that you can find something that suits your
At the end of the day, just make sure that everyone in attendance has a place to sit. Even if they
don’t get used, you would rather be able to accommodate everyone rather than not have
enough seats to cover every guest. This is supposed to be a fun, eventful day and seemingly
little things like this can wind up taking away from that experience. You don’t want to let the
small details become a much bigger deal than they should have otherwise been.